Basic Spells and Charms training:

Grab your magic wand (jumping rope) and start practicing the basic spells and chamrs you will need later in Duelling class. Dont try all the spells at the same time. Focus on WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA (the basic jump) and once you master it you can start practicing the rest.

Spells and Charms points:
Here you can see now how to achieve your first points. Each spell or charm has a different value and for that you have to be able to do a different number of repetitions.

Would you be able to perform all the spells (jumps) with your magic wand (jumping rope). Prove you are the best magician in the class...



  1. hi, i'm ruth
    in the video that you send us there wasn't any excercise called the doble under, but it is in the foto that you send us


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